First Name
Last Name
Email (please list an address you frequently check)
Phone Number
Address including city/state
If you work a standard schedule, what are the best days/times for you to meet? Please note that evenings and weekends are not available due to my work with non-profit organizations.
What type of home/elimination area do you have?
Single family home/ fenced yard
Single family home/ tie out, leash walk or loose
Apartment/leash walk
Duplex or apartment/shared fenced yard
Litter box or puppy pads
Pet's Name
Pet's Age
Pet's breed(s)
Pet's weight (approximate is fine)
Is your pet spayed/neutered?
Female - not spayed
Female spayed
Male - not neutered
Male neutered
Where did you get your pet?
How long have you had your pet?
If your pet is over 4 months old and from a shelter, rescue, private party or other "adoption" type situation, please include any history you are aware of including why the previous guardian was rehoming and any medical or behavior concerns that you were made aware of.
What does your pet love? Please list specific types of treats, toys, games, etc.
What other pets reside in the home (please include size, breeds and ages) and how do they get along?
Does your pet have current rabies and distemper combo vaccinations? Please list the date and veterinarian.
Who is your primary veterinarian or vet clinic? When was the last time your pet saw this veterinarian and for what purpose?
Does your pet have any medical concerns or allergies? If so please list any prescription and over the counter medications given. Please include dosages and frequency given.
Is your pet on any behavioral medications? If so please list all prescriptions and over the counter medications given now or in the past. Please include dosages and frequency given.
Have you taken any classes or worked with a trainer? If so, what class, trainer and where?
Please include whether you worked on puppy or basic training, or if you were working on modifying a problem behavior.
What behaviors or cues does your pet already know?
How much exercise is your pet receiving? Please be specific as to frequency, duration and location(s)
What is your feeding routine?
Free feed/ food always available
Feed once or twice a day
Feed while training or out on walks
Where does your pet spend time when you are home during the day? At night?
Where does your pet go when you are not at home?
Free range of the house
Room with an ex-pen or baby gate
Outside in a fenced yard
Outside on a tether or loose
I don't leave my pet home alone
What equipment are you currently using? Please check all that apply.
Flat collar
Harness (front or back clip)
Metal prong collar
Chain collar
Head halter (Gentle Leader, Halti, NewTrix, etc.)
E-bark collar
Citronella Bark Collar
Ex-Pen or baby gated room
Electric fence
Slow feeder or puzzles
Kibble ball
Homemade food toys
Long line (longer than 6 feet)
What equipment have you used/tried in the past that you no longer use? Please check all that apply.
Harness (front or back clip)
Metal prong collar
Chain collar
Head halter (Gentle Leader, Halti, NewTrix)
E bark collar
Citronella bark collar
Electric fence
Has your pet ever bitten another animal? If so, please describe details of the situation, the level of bite and if veterinary attention was required.
Has your pet ever bitten a person? If so please describe details of the situation, type of bite (bruise, scratch, puncture) and if medical attention was required.
If you are seeking help for a behavior concern, what are you currently doing and what have you already tried to resolve the concern?
If you are seeking help for a behavior concern, please describe the most recent incident including when it took place, severity, injuries (if any) and outcome.
If you are seeking help for a behavior concern, how long has the concern been exhibited?
What are your primary training goals, keeping in mind that "good with all humans and dogs" is unrealistic for most dogs. Please list up to three goals.
Please keep in mind that your goals may need to be adjusted based on your lifestyle, your pet's breeds/genetic tendencies, your pet's environment, history and individual abilities.
Is there anything else you would like to mention about your pet?
How did you hear about Blue Sky Behavior?
Friend/family member
Veterinarian/vet clinic
Web search
Former client
Another trainer
Fear Free Pets website
Quick Paws
IAABC website
If applicable, please let me know specifically who referred you as I love to personally thank individuals and referral partners!